You've Got (No) Mail! Art in Isolation, Day 68

Well the postal service, on which I rely as a business, is going to die if no one bails it out and so I got me some forever stamps to help them stay afloat so hopefully I can stay afloat. It’ll probably be the end of the world before I use them all, so I’m going to pass them onto you with some elegant (and slightly weird) postcards you can mail to your socially distant loved ones.

You’ll be the talk of the Zoom meeting after you send some of these fancy postcards. If you’d like 20% off, use discount code ILOVEMAIL at checkout. The postcards are from, who print truly beautiful work. They are high-quality, vibrant, and fun. Check out this slideshow to see all the designs:

And here’s me going postal about the postal service

(bad joke)

Some of our leaders have been trying to privatize and punish the USPS forever - probably for having pesky unionized employees with good benefits - and therefore have been enacting stupid measures to make it barely solvent. Here’s some fun facts about the USPS:

  • It’s the only government agency forced to fund its own pension for the next FIFTY YEARS, making it uncompetitive with all its competitors who don’t even have to offer retirement benefits. At the same time….

  • It's the only government agency expected to turn a profit, because the government refuses to fund it. So you can see how being kneecapped out of capitalist competition yet being un-funded by the government puts them in an impossible place, right?

  • It’s required, by law, to deliver everywhere without inflating costs - including the most podunk, remote addresses. Think about this: what if you are expecting an absentee ballot, stimulus check, or other official document in the mail, and the goverrnment chooses to send it UPS but they don’t deliver to you? Or you have to pay a fee because you don’t live in their standard delivery area?,

  • The USPS employs almost 650,000 people. Laying them off would cost YOU money in receiving and sending mail, and not save the taxpayers a damn thing because they aren’t even paid via taxes (not to mention that would send those employees into financial insecurity and contribute to our societal economic problems).

  • Lastly, during this time where we are relying on deliveries more than ever to get us through ::waves hands around:: all this, the end of the USPS could mean the end of you being able to get items you need delivered - during a pandemic. This will result in you having to go out into danger more than before, and could risk your life or that of your loved ones.

Anyway, support the USPS! Call your representatives! Sign some petitions! Send my postcards!

Your next internet rabbit hole should be the soothing and mesmerising videos by artist Josie Lewis. Here’s a recent favorite of mine: