Cabin Fever; Art in Isolation, Day 17

Ok I lied. I have no new art to show you today. I’ve been screwing around.

The other day, I opened my door to go out on my porch. A man I've never met was walking by, waved and grinned very big and said, "it's so nice to see you.” I waved and paused, wondering if I knew him, and then he just said, “Sorry, I haven’t seen anyone today.”

Swamp chihuahua, living her best life at all of humanity’s expense.

Swamp chihuahua, living her best life at all of humanity’s expense.

Yesterday, my chihuahua and I wandered aimlessly around long enough for me to get a mild sunburn. Quarantine is a great time to be a dog.

Someone asked me what the fountain schedule was in a nearby park. Fountain schedule? Is it on a schedule? Nevertheless, that person was just sitting there hoping the fountain would come on so something happened.

I've always been a little bit of a homebody; my own isolation throughout the week while I work is not that hard on me. This isolation feels different because the world has stopped around me. Usually I am making a choice between staying home and doing something else; today there is no choice. I have the opposite of FOMO - I like deciding not to do things sometimes.

I think the stir craziness is starting to get to me. The other night, we decided to “spend time together” which was going on a walk, watching a movie with no phones or anything out, and having dinner together. That is a close approximation of what we do everyday, but maybe with fewer phones. We are married. We’re going to need to “spend time together” again for the health of our relationship.

Today, I am grateful we have our health, food, the luxury of being able to social distance, and a roof over our head. I feel guilty complaining about the boredom of date night right now, but we are all experiencing a collective trauma differently; a strain on relationships counts.

Gemma showing us how it’s done.

Gemma showing us how it’s done.

Remember to care for your own mental health and do something with your hands; here’s a reminder that I have some coloring sheets for download! They are for kids and immature adults, on a pay-if-you-can basis (no judgement, I promise). If you want the free ones, use the discount code COLOR at check out.