Thriving in Filth; Art in Isolation, Day 3992340 (Day 28)

“Y’all, I have been forgetting to brush my teeth.” This is a quote from a newly working-from-home friend who will remain nameless (you know who you are). But let’s be real, she’s not the only one here, hmm? Truth be told, when I started my work-from-home life three years ago, I would brush my teeth right when I got up, then usually again in the afternoon when I finished my coffee for the day, and then at night. Nowadays, it hits that afternoon moment and I’m never completely certain I did the first brush….

The dirtier the hair, the bigger the hair, and the closer to god.

The dirtier the hair, the bigger the hair, and the closer to god.

I don’t think anyone who knows me would call me gross, but I don’t think they’d call me clean either. I’ve always pushed how long I go without washing hair. I’ve always re-worn dirty clothes if they are clean enough (and hey, that preserves them). I’ve always been fairly relaxed about shaving (which, not to get into a feminist rant or anything, IS FINE).

As a work-from-home-r, now, I also push how often I go without deoderant (which has, in turn, made deoderant more effective on me), how bad I am willing to let my toenails look, and definitely how often I get a haircut (which wasn’t often to start with anyway since I prefer a little wild vibe to my hairdo anyway). For the first time since I was a middle schooler, I stopped wearing makeup on a regular basis. Now, I sometimes even ::gasp:: go out into public without it.

Oooh, I hear you judging me, but I’m not worried about it. The longer this goes on, the stronger your sense of anarchy and rebellion will get, and you will come to understand me. You will become feral, too. Another friend recently issued me a “formal apology” for making fun of me for always wearing sports bras instead of real bras. She gets it now.

It seems mental health professionals will tell you to do everything you can to maintain the sanity of your recently lost life, and I’m not one to contradict them. If plucking your eyebrows and putting on makeup makes you feel a sense of calm and normalcy, have at it. But if those two things are perhaps hindering you more than helping you, see how it feels to let them go.

Think about whether they truly “spark joy.”

Ask yourself some thoughtful questions. Are you really that stinky that you need a shower everyday? Or have you just become accustomed to smelling like soap? I’m not saying become a complete trash person and lose your humanity (and for the love of god, please keep brushing your teeth); I’m just saying that it’s possible you might find a little freedom in letting go of some small habits that don’t offer you much in return.

What if your form of self-care is….less self-care?

Here’s me making a mess.

And here’s a dog I relate to.

Do not forget to include you wienerdog in your workouts.