Nothing in Moderation; Art in Isolation, Day 46

Gratuitous chihuahua picture.

Gratuitous chihuahua picture.

Blooper (also gratuitous).

Blooper (also gratuitous).

One person’s quarantine is another one’s treasure. The particulars change but the overall idea is the same: whatever your circumstances, whatever you have, you have TOO MUCH of it. Family, solitude, work, boredom, anything (well, maybe except money and health).

And how many times have you been complaining to yourself or another, only to have to remind yourself how lucky you are compared to others? Then, you subsequently get upset that you are upset.

As a veteran of therapy, I can tell you I’m VERY familiar with feeling bad about feeling bad, and let my thousands of dollars of therapy save you a trip: IT’S NOT HELPFUL AND YOU HAVE TO STOP IT. Here’s the thing: if you feel bad, you’re gonna feel bad, no matter how much you tell yourself you don’t deserve to. Plus, you’ve created a brand new emotional obstacle: guilt!

I’m no mental health professional, but this guy (Ali Mattu) is, and I found this video helpful at the beginning of this madness when I was spending most of my time sobbing or snapping at my husband. Maybe it’ll help you, too.

Being grateful and having perspective is important; that doesn’t have to translate into guilt about your advantages. There is not a finite amount of stress in the world.

I call this blog “Art and Feelings” because I am not creative with words, so here is your art. Here’s an unrelated drawing. I started it in graphite and it was boring so I added pastels and so now it’s colorful but tinted gross colors by the boring grey pencil.

This piece, entitled, “I Hate Drawing,” is not an image of my feet, because I could not get an angle I wanted. You can tell because there is no burn wound on it from when I dropped melted cheese on it.

I really don’t like drawing.
